Taehoon Kim
African Department
International Monetary Fund
700 19th St NW, Washington, DC 20431
Email: tkim@imf.org
Phone: +1 (202) 594-1643
Professional Experience
Economist, International Monetary Fund September 2020 - Present
PhD in Economics, Harvard University
MA in Economics, Harvard University
Bachelor of Business Administration, Economics, and Mathematics, Seoul National University
Research Interest
International Finance, Financial Intermediation, and Sovereign Debt
Research Work
"Global Value Chain and Inflation Dynamics," with Vu Chau, Marina Martinez, and John Spray [R&R Journal of International Economics, March 2024]
"Central Banks as Dollar Lenders of Last Resort: Implications for Regulation and Reserve Holdings," with Mitali Das, Gita Gopinath, Helene Hall and Jeremy Stein [R&R AEJ Macro, October 2023]
"Systematizing Macroframework Forecasting," with Sakai Ando [IMF Economic Review, 2023]
"The Premia on State-contingent Sovereign Debt Instruments," with Deniz Igan, and Antoine Levy [R&R AEJ Macro, November 2021]
"Safe Asset Demand, Global Capital Flows and Wealth Concentration " [October 2021]
"Multinationals as Global Financiers," with Casey Kearney [April 2020]
Disclaimer: The views expressed on this website are my own and do not necessarily represent those of the IMF, its Executive Board or its management.